Practical Thinking Tools Deck
This deck contains 58 Thinking Tool cards. Each card has a corresponding digital version with examples, templates, step-by-step instructions, and more. Apply these tools in workshops, meetings, strategy sessions, research, for professional development, and as practical tools within your everyday workflows. Printed on 400gsm high-quality matte cello card stock, and presented in the beautifully designed magnetic K-box.

Take Actions
We often think best when we're doing something, rather than navel-gazing. This deck of 58 practical thinking tools provides you with a diverse and deeply useful range of exercises, activities, and templates with step-by-step instructions to get the best out of you and your team.

It's your jam
20 of the Actions in your deck contain free FigJam templates. If you're not already familiar, FigJam is an interactive digital whiteboard that allows you to collaborate with your team or stakeholders in real-time whether you're in the same room, working from home, or a mix of both.

Workshop it
Kitted provides a complete workshop design system, with modular tools you can swap and choose to suit any strategic objective.
Design and facilitate online, offline, or a mixture of both.

Map it out
Use frameworks and activities such as a Customer Journey Map, SWOT Matrix, or PESTLE Analysis to explore and define your strategic objectives. The Actions Deck provide a rich selection of strategic thinking tools.

A great presentation can have nice graphics or fancy charts, but what really makes it impressive is not how it’s presented, but rather how compelling the argument is. Kitted Thinking Tools are rich with insights and examples that can elevate your presentations with strategic nous and acumen; formatted for any presentation format as PNG files or standalone slides.

Excellent decision
Perhaps the most valuable Actions in the Practical Thinking Tools Deck are those that facilitate better evaluation and decision-making. By providing frameworks to help analyze and stress-test, you'll be in a much better position to make clear and confident decisions based on rational evaluation criteria. Empowering you and your team to make better decisions, may be the best decision you can make.

Made by global leaders in higher order thinking
Kitted was made by the founders of The School of Thought International, a non profit dedicated to promoting critical thinking, reason, and understanding.
5% of proceeds from Kitted are donated to The School of Thought to further this cause.

Share your thoughts
Buying a deck of Kitted Thinking Tools includes 12 months of free Pro membership on the platform. Whether you’re a thought leader in your industry or simply know a smarter way to do a specific task, Pro features allow you to create shareable Kits (collections of resources), Flows (step-by-step instructions), and Articles to share with your team, clients, or the wider community.

Powerpoint & Keynote Templates
Each deck of Kitted Thinking Tools includes the complete downloadable collection of over 200 Thinking Tools in native, editable, white-labeled formats for PowerPoint and Keynote.

12 months Pro Membership
Receive 12 months complementary Pro membership to the Kitted platform with every purchase. Save your most useful thinking tools and publish shareable Kits, Flows, and Articles.

3 Pro Membership invitations to share
Invite 3 colleagues or friends to enjoy full access to the Kitted platform for 12 months. This offer is only available while Kitted is in Beta, and applies to each deck purchased.