Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

Take Action with practical exercises

Become an instant workshop, brainstorm, and presentation ninja with a comprehensive range of tools, templates, and frameworks from the world’s best practitioners.

Get all 58 Action cards in the Practical Thinking Deck

Kitted Thinking Tools

Get strategic with Insights

Level up your professional wisdom with useful distilled insights from the fields of psychology, economics, philosophy, physics and more.

Get all 58 Insight cards in the Strategic Thinking Deck

Kitted Thinking Tools

Shift perspective with Frames

Provoke consideration of relevant frames with these prompt cards for media channels, stakeholders, audiences, archetypes and more.

Get all 58 Frame cards in the Perspectives Thinking Deck

Kitted Thinking Tools

Avoid Critical issues with Snares

Reduce risks, limit liabilities, and save a lot of time and money with critical thinking tools that help you evaluate and move forward with assurance.

Get all 58 Snare cards in the Critical Thinking Deck

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

Learning mental models will vastly improve your decision-making skills, and Kitted provides a tangible way to master them by integrating them into your everyday workflows.

Gabriel Weinberg
Founder and CEO of DuckDuckGo and co-author of the internationally best-selling book Superthinking - The Big Book of Mental Models

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

Kitted offers a toolkit of thinking superpowers in a box. These expert-vetted methods help to suss out biases, optimize decision-making, and spur creative innovation.

David McRaney
Internationally best-selling author of How Minds Change and You Are Not So Smart

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

Kitted's thoughtfully designed decks encourage fresh perspectives and support creative thinking. The concepts they teach can inspire better thinking and nudge us in novel directions.

Spencer Greenberg

Founder and CEO of non-profit Clearer Thinking & psychological research organization Spark Wave

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

As AI automates more menial tasks, higher-order strategic, creative, and critical thinking skills will become increasingly important for all professionals. Kitted is an amazing tool to build these competencies with those you lead.

Jonathan Brill
Global Futurist at HP and Internationally best-selling author of Rogue Waves

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

The Full Bundle Set

Regular price $1,200.00 Sale price $600.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Workshop Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Practical Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Strategic Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Perspective Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Critical Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Design Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

HR Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools Kitted Thinking Tools

Marketing Thinking Tools Deck

Regular price $300.00
Kitted Thinking Tools
Made by global leaders in higher order thinking

Made by global leaders in higher order thinking

Kitted Thinking Tools

How it works

Kitted provides a modular system of thinking tools you can mix, match, and remix.

You can use any of the thinking tools by themselves to positive effect, but the next-level transformative thinking superpowers happen when you and your team use the cards together. You can choose your own professional adventure to suit your purposes, or use and adapt any of our templated combinations.

Explore the instructional video and use cases below using the slider arrows:

Kitted Thinking Tools


Assumptions Map

The Assumptions Map is just one of 58 thinking tools in the Actions deck.

It serves as a powerful way to combine creative and critical thinking, helping us to explore our assumptions with a first-principles approach, prioritize the 'unknown and important' assumptions, and run experiments to validate or disconfirm them.

Use the arrows left and right to explore more applications.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Marketing Brainstorm

This Play provides step-by-step instructions for how to run a marketing or advertising brainstorming session.
Identify your target markets, potential media channels, and value proposition before moving on to ideation exercises, and finally validating your ideas through an evaluation process.
This Play can be cloned and adapted to include other thinking tools when you have a Pro membership (12 months included with every deck purchased – Bundle = 4 years).

Kitted Thinking Tools


Lunch & Learns

Level up your team's thinking with Kitted's cards in a Lunch & Learn session or other professional development context such as training days or during weekly retro meetings.

The Strategic Insights and Critical Thinking cards are particularly useful to this end.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Workshop it

Kitted provides a complete workshop design system, with modular tools you can swap and choose to suit any strategic objective; as well as interactive templates, helpful examples, and step-by-step instructions.

Use your cards to plan your workshops with a smorgasbord of options, as well as to facilitate by giving participants tactile prompts and actions.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Perspectives Brainstorm

This Play provides a range of perspectives to provoke consideration of different points of view in a brainstorming or strategy session.

Combine an orange brainstorming Action such as 10 Ideas in 10 Minutes with a perspective stimulus card such as The Customer or No Limits.

Kitted Thinking Tools


It's your jam

Many of Kitted’s Actions Thinking Tools are available as interactive FigJam templates.

Collaborate in real-time with your team while you’re together in the same room, working from home, or a mix of both.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Serendipity on the cards

Planning for creativity in workshops and other structured scenarios is certainly worthwhile, however the value of courting innovation through serendipity is substantial.

Simply having Kitted's cards on-hand as prompts for strategic, creative, and critical thinking in your meeting room or office could prove transformative.

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools



The artificial intelligence revolution means any task that can be automated, soon will be.

Consequently, most professional knowledge economy work will be redundant. What will remain for us humans is to use higher-order creative, strategic, and critical thinking to both pilot these AI systems, and make discerning decisions for all the work which remains.
Learning and using the mental models in Kitted's card decks is one of the best ways to future-proof yourself and prepare for the burgeoning Wisdom Economy.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Team Up

Fostering a culture of higher-order thinking can yield manifold benefits in terms of innovation, collaboration, and proactive value creation.

Professional development needn’t be limited to expensive off-site training days, it should be part of the culture itself. Kitted has a range of professional development options including Mental Model Mondays and Lunch & Learn sessions, however, the best way to learn is by actively applying these tools to our work.

Kitted Thinking Tools



Strategic decision-making is seldom optimal.

We tend to rely upon the methods and assumptions that have served us well in the past, and while this approach is often sufficient, we miss the opportunity to go from good to great.

Kitted’s toolkit proves the means to optimize your strategic potential with professional wisdom.

Kitted Thinking Tools



A great presentation can have nice graphics or fancy charts, but what really makes it impressive is not how it’s presented, but rather how compelling the argument is.

Kitted Thinking Tools are rich with insights and examples that can elevate your presentations with strategic nous and acumen; formatted for any presentation format as PNG files or standalone slides.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Share your thoughts

Whether you’re a thought leader in your industry or simply know a smarter way to do a specific task, Kitted’s platform provides you with professional tools to create shareable Kits (collections of resources), Flows (responsive rich media presentations), Plays (step-by-step instructions) and Articles to share with your team, clients, or the wider community.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Reduce critical risks

Mitigating risks, especially for big projects, is one of the cheapest ways to save a lot of money.

Kitted’s thinking tools provide practical ways to run critical evaluation exercises.

Your new deck of Thinking Tool cards could pay for itself 100 times over if a single serious liability is averted.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Kitted Thinking Tools

12 months Pro Membership

Receive 12 months complementary Pro membership to the Kitted platform with every deck. Save your most useful thinking tools and publish shareable Kits, Flows, Plays, and Articles.

Kitted Thinking Tools


Kitted Thinking Tools

Powerpoint & Keynote Templates

Each deck of Kitted Thinking Tools includes the complete downloadable collection of over 200 Thinking Tools in native, editable, white-labeled formats for PowerPoint and Keynote.

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools


3 Pro Membership invitations to share

Invite 3 colleagues or friends to enjoy full access to the Kitted platform for 12 months. This offer is only available for a limited time, and applies to each deck purchased.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Full Bundle Set has (almost) every Kitted card included.

The specialty decks such as Marketing Thinking Tools or Workshop Thinking Tools contain a curated selection of cards from these category decks, specific to that industry or purpose.

Some of these specialty decks have a few cards that aren't available in the four core 'category' decks, but more than likely you won't need to purchase anything more than the Full Bundle Set.

Each Kitted card contains a clear explanation and exposition, as well as a link and QR code to that thinking tool's web page with more in-depth examples, applications, templates, academic references, step-by-step instructions and more.

Each card can be used by itself as a standalone activity or prompt, or in combination with other thinking tools.

For example, you might use the SWOT matrix card and its associated templates and instructions for a workshop; or you might adapt the Marketing Brainstorm Play which contains multiple Kitted Thinking Tools for a different workshop or brainstorming session.

The real power of Kitted is that it's modular, such that you can use the cards to best-suit the task at hand.

Quality isn't cheap.

A significant amount of time, money, and love has gone into producing not only the physical cards, but also the content, software platform, and templates that the cards connect to.

When you buy a deck of Kitted Thinking Tools cards, you will receive a package including:

• 60 physical cards printed on 400gsm high-quality card stock with a scratch-resistant matte cello protective finish

• The proprietary K-box design featuring an elegant non-visible magnetic clasp and spot-varnish tiled finish

• Access to every Kitted Thinking Tool in digital form, with examples, applications, templates, resources and more

• 12 months of Pro membership for every deck purchased (cumulative) which enables you to create, publish, and share your own Kits, Articles, Flows (rich media slideshows), and Plays (step-by-step playbooks)

• 3 x 12 Month Pro memberships to share with each deck purchase

• A downloadable repository of high resolution PNG files of every Kitted card which can be inserted into any third-party media

• Downloadable PowerPoint and Keynote templates featuring all Kitted Thinking Tools in these native formats which can be used directly or adapted for your existing presentations

Yes. All benefits are cumulative with each deck purchased, regardless of whether it's part of a bundle.

So if you buy four decks of cards in the Full Bundle Set, you'll receive 4 years of Pro membership, and 12 invitations to share that entitle each recipient to 12 months each of Pro membership access to the platform.

Kitted Thinking Tools

About us

Kitted’s mission is to promote professional wisdom by synthesizing design with empirically supported academic understanding.

Drawing upon luminaries and insights from fields including behavioral science, physics, psychology, and philosophy, Kitted applies design thinking principles to produce products that make insights actionable.

Find out more about our origins and aspirations here:

Kitted Thinking Tools
Kitted Thinking Tools

The Full Bundle Set

50% off for a limited time

Free worldwide shipping

Regular price $1,200.00 Sale price $600.00

This comprehensive collection is the ultimate professional toolkit and contains every Kitted Thinking Tool from the four different category decks.

It also includes 4 years of Pro Membership access to the platform, 12 one-year Pro Memberships to share iwth colleagues, and editable PowerPoint and Keynote templates for over 200 thinking tools.

More info